Sretni Praznici!
Od administrativnog tima balkanskog klana!

.::Balkan Clan DISCORD Rules::.
a. Chat Rules
- 1.0 Keep chat posts ON-Topic of each category. Non related posts will be removed. And you’ll be warned.
- 1.1 OFF-Topic can be used for everything General. Video’s, Memes, etc…
- 1.2 NSFW chat is age restricted posts ONLY – 18+ Memes are also allowed.
b. Voice Rules
- 1.0 Don’t disturb other people when they are playing games.
- 1.1 When not playing a game please refer yourself to the General Chat Room.
- 1.1.2 In case you want to go AFK, Join the AFK channel at the bottom of the list.
. :: Balkan Clan DISCORD Pravila ::.
a. Pravila chata
- 1.0 Čuvajte chat postove ON-Topic svake kategorije. Nepovezani postovi bit će uklonjeni. A vi ćete biti upozoreni.
- 1.1 OFF-Topic se može koristiti za sve Opće. Videozapisi, Memovi itd. ...
- 1.2 NSFW chat je ograničen na dobne postove SAMO - 18+ Meme su također dopuštene.
b. Glasovna pravila
- 1.0 Nemojte uznemiravati druge ljude dok igraju igre.
- 1.1 Kada ne igrate igru, obratite se glavnoj sobi za razgovor.
- 1.1.2 U slučaju da želite ići na AFK, pridružite se AFK kanalu na dnu popisa.
Edition 03-10-2019.
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